Coast Guard Auxiliary Banner 5th Northern Region
Division Four -  Training Available

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Division 4 Website

Training List

Auxiliary 70th.anniversary  emblem

Training is a very crucial part of our member activities.  In fact, it is hard to think of any Auxiliary activity which does not have training available to define program mission requirements and assure a competent, superior performance in all we do.  We take this responsibility seriously and are always seeking to improve the training resources offered to our membership.

Division 4 has a tremendous amount of training going on in the flotillas and other areas.

The purpose of this page is to gather this training being offered in various locations and make a central place where our member can go to find the training they need.

The division staff officer/Member Training with the help of the flotilla staff officer/ Member Training  will maintain a data base of the training currently being offered as well as training opportunities coming up.
We will also endeavor to maintain information about training opportunities outside division 4.


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